Inspect hidden features and find invisible flaws with easy-to-use industrial X-ray CT.
Scan in as little as 0.1 seconds to deliver at scale.
Inspect parts, automate analyses, and share with colleagues—all in a browser.
Learn about industrial X-ray CT scanning and how it accelerates every stage of the product development process, from R&D through production.
How does industrial CT scanning stack up against tried and true methods?
Learn more about our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility.
Atlas can save you months of time and hundreds of thousands of dollars in pre-production parts.
Compare scanners that use lasers or visible light to scanners that use X-rays to create 3D models.
Learn how to get started with Lumafield Voyager, an AI-enabled, cloud-based platform for viewing, analyzing, and sharing 3D scans and industrial CT scans.
I can analyze 3D meshes from any scanner and advise on manufacturing processes.
Discover why Atlas is transforming the way engineers work.
Voyager is a cloud-based solution that’s transforming the way engineers use 3D data.
Visualize, inspect, and measure complex electronics inside and out without destroying them.
Lumafield's industrial CT platform can quickly find hidden defects that are common in 3D prints.
Learn how Lumafield's industrial X-ray CT scans can help you tell rich visual stories.
Explore some of the astonishing mechanisms inside three beauty products.
Leading sports equipment companies deliver cutting-edge products with Lumafield's Neptune.
Industrial CT lets engineers see inside assemblies without disassembling or breaking them.